your dining experience with augmented reality

Empower your customers with stunning 3D dish previews for more informed, sensually stimulated decisions - whether they are planning ahead or dining in. All the while, driving your restaurant's order values and footfall.

Try it out

How it Works


Our expert team scans selected dishes at your restaurant, using state-of-the-art technology to capture their essence in mesmerising detail during a visit to your establishment.

Add the AR Magic
to your Menus and Socials

We'll craft a customized AR menu tailored to your restaurant's needs and design, seamlessly integrating it into your ordering system or providing a physical code for your existing menus. Alternatively, choose from our range of templates.

Bring your
meals to life

Whether accessed via QR codes on menus, billboards, or your website, or shared on your social media - your customers will be captivated as they interact with your menu in an unparalleled way, stimulating their senses, enhancing their dining experience.

Want to find out more?

Why use Waitar

With Waitar, you can project lifelike 3D images of each menu item right onto your table, allowing you to see exactly what your meal will look like before you even place your order.

So your restaurant can…

Drive Upsell and Order Values

Our 3D Menu solutions creates a new level of excitement and sensory appeal while your customers are in the seat of your restaurants, inclining them to try high-margin dishes with recommended sides, just like every good waiter would.

Increase footfall

Attract new customers to your restaurant with Waitar and entice them online or on social platforms with our stunning 3D AR technology. With most people searching for menus online - this is the opportunity to stand out from the crowd

Get next level insight into your customer behaviour

What dish did your customer preview but not order? Which dish received the least attention? Drive email sign ups to newsletters and understand your customers with unforeseen data with options for custom analytics .

Streamline Operations

With options to integrate waitar into your ordering system, you can reduce wait times, minimise errors and improve overall efficiency of your service.

And your customers can…

No longer endure the pain of food envy

We’ve all been there... that “I want what they have” feeling. Allow your customers to engage and immerse themselves in a 3D menu experience that traditional menus cannot. From “I want what they have” to “I'm having this.”

Know how much to order

Size matters. Whether it’s a tasting menu or a family-platter, customers value the knowledge of how much they’re getting as well as what compliments the dish they are ordering.

Remember your restaurant forever

Set yourselves apart from the competition and make your restaurant experience even more memorable using technology which is proven to leave a lasting impression

The numbers don't lie

Consumers search menus online
And on social media before they make a decision
Higher engagement
88% of consumers say that AR makes them more likely to engage with a brand
More likely to be purchased
Products that have AR preview enabled are 94% more likely to be purchased
Increase in Sales
Restaurants incorporating AR technology into their menus experienced a 30% increase in sales compared to traditional menus
Harvard Business Review